Saturday, October 31, 2009

Austerity Drive In Classrooms :P

Austerity falls prey of interpretation :P. Reminds 'aAnother brick in the wall...'
Go Hoodda!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Deccan Charger or DHAKKAN CHARGERS :P

After an aberration from their IPL 1.0 performance Deccan Chargers showed their true colors in Champion League 2009, Hoodda thinks they should give a second thought to changing their name as 'DHAKKAN CHARGERS' instead :P

Friday, October 9, 2009

What a diversity !

The cartoon is from an idea that I stole from Chulli, he once put the idea as his stat message on gtalk. Credits to chulli.

That was Shaastra 09 !!

You may call it 'Biggest of all Shaastras', 'Baap  of all Techfests', Sexiest of all Engg College Fests'... Shaastra-'o9 gave reasons enough to everyone to choose a epitome of their choice. The fest ended with a grand closing on 4th of this month with a very special 'Vishesh'. The fest harbingered a lot of changes. It once again redefined the way a tech fest is conducted. Breakthrough events like 'Symposium' and 'Aerofest' were unmatched success. Shaastra Car- a car cum bike- was an achievement by IIT M techies, which was another quantum leap in creative technological prowess display.