Friday, August 28, 2009

EP at its best...

The Zeal of EP team was not shaken by even swine flu scare and they were raring to go into Pune's territory (however couldn't go- thanks to last minute directives), the cartoon explores the other side- what if they dared to go there and featured in a prominent daily about their courageous act of entering Pune's Territory amidst such a situation; for sure they would have done real good EP work :D 

New Finance Coord...(Shaastra Special) CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE

Finance Coords can give you real pain if you approach them for new funds :D


How difficult it can be for a sponship err sponsorship team in this time?
Find it.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dicey Matters...(Special Shaastra Edition) CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE

It seems all design concepts have exhausted and heck only the 2 face,not Bataman comic one,dice was the only one left!- Comment someone. What is this dice thing all about- Asked another? Why there are only two dots on each face?

Below is another cartoon that describes the plight of Shaastra Cores- as they find no place better than the scorching hot lawns of Himalya :)...infact one of the Cores cribbed like this-

Performance Based Grub...(Special Shaastra Edition) CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE

Recession has hit hard where it pains most, the soft underbelly or belly, if you call it, is under threat. Cash crunch is forcing cords and cores to think for a moment before they finalize the number of new vols and cords respectively.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Shaastra & Swine Flu (Special Shaastra Edition CLIK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE)

Most innovations happen during tough times, May be someone find Shaastra-10 a nice platform to invent a thing or two...a hi-tech disease prevention mask won't be a very bad idea!

Meeting in the Sun...(Special Shaastra Edition, CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO ENLARGE)

Core team has hardly any time to attend meets at pleasant hours. The meets can happen at any odd hour at any place and sometimes comfort is the last thing to keep in mind.

Monday, August 10, 2009

CG Story...

Hoodda is here

This is the first strip I made. It was way back in first year when one of my friend suggested this idea of coming with a cartoon strip. At that time I was unaware of any other strip untill the same friend told about 'Arbit Choudhury' from some guys of NITIE. I was impressed by their work, but at the same time found their art-work of not so good quality. I thought myself- 'We can also give a shot, and perhaps can come up with something better'. Within two days I decided upon the character and made the maiden strip. It was circulated without dialogues in the class and garnered good response. But we made a fundamental mistake there. We were a motley group of some ten friends and I assigned all of them to come up with ideas and I decided to convert them into cartoons. Thus born- Hoodda. Why name Hoodda? Actually it is after one of best friends who was very funny, mischievous, and what not. I was and am very influenced by his style, his one liners and his unbeatable 'Haajirjawabi' But, as they say- Everybody's responsibility is nobody's responsibility. The strip didn't budge beyond its first edition. During my internship I revisted the idea and decided to prune the team and zeroed down to only one person- Chetan, one of my class mate and good friend at DoMS. And despite our hectic schedule at internship (:D), we decided to go ahead with ideation and putting ideas on paper. within two months we made almost ten strips, some good some not so good, which will be published on this page on regular intervals. This maiden strip is the original diologuless strip which was made one year back. I think the strip is self explanatory, or atleast I was told so when I showed it to junta. Here it is (Click the cartoon to enlarge)-

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's Time to Strike Shaastraasana !

‘Shaastraasana’ is nothing but a state of mind rather than a true ‘Aasana’. You can strike this ‘Aasana’ any time provided it is from 30th Sept -4th Oct. This is the time when true Shaastra devotees eat Shaastra, live Shaastra and sleep Shaastra.

Shaastra means Science. Year after year, the biggest tech fest of all has proved that Shaastra is not about science alone. Shaastra is much more about than plain engineering and science stuff. scintillating Laser shows, mind-blowing quizzes, enthralling workshops, engrossing lectures and Informals can blow anyone away. The increasing popularity and increasing competition at the events has made the fest ‘the most awaited event ’ of the year. Race your imagination and betray your beliefs as you come across event after another event. It’s fun, it’s thrill, - It’s Shaastra-2009.