Recently, a fundamentalist cleric from J&K issued a fatwa against the first all girl rock band from the valley. Before that, the band also faced threats on their Facebook page. It was heartening to learn that state Chief Minister himself reacted promptly on Twitter against those involved in these acts, but more needs to be done. Freedom of Speech and Expression ( under Article 19) and Right to Life and Liberty (under Article 21)are guaranteed as fundamental rights in our constitution. Further, such incidents put India in a bad light which as a liberal democracy is striving towards a uniform civil code under Directive Principles for all its citizens irrespective of their race, religion and creed. State should deal with such self-styled moralists with tougher hand so that it doesn't paint itself as a mute spectator and in turn indirectly encourage fanatics to repeat their misdeeds.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Friday, February 1, 2013
Anna yesterday reiterated that he won't support Kejriwal's party. Millions others also think like him. They would love to support movement of Kejriwals, but not their political party. The reason - politics is dirty and by corollary, those who are in (or want to enter) politics must also be dirty. This misplaced reductionist approach is surely hurting the honest reformist efforts of a few spirited people who have dared to challenge the stalwarts of Indian politics. It's the gross skepticism of masses that stereotypes torchbearers like Kejriwal. Bigger challenge before nation is not corruption, nepotism or dirty politics, but lack of enthusiast nationalist who can champion the cause of nation, rise above their narrow self interests and decide what is good for nation as a whole is good for them also.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Recently, Kamal Hasan threatened to leave Tamil Nadu after much heartburn over disruption of release of his movie and subsequent apathy of state government and antagonism of some fanatics. In India, over-powering of state institutions by vested interest groups has almost become a fashion. Statutory bodies are found to kept hostage illegally by such groups and state remains a mute spectator. In such a frustrating situation, one may find approaching judiciary as the only way out, but doing so in a frequent manner raise questions about the very existence of statutory bodies and their competence. Government should put its foot down in wake of such sundry protests and should refrain from taking a soft stance so that such acts are not encouraged in future.
Monday, January 28, 2013
One of the Delhi rape accused who is barely a few months short of being a 'major' has been declared a 'minor/juvenile' by the Juvenile Justice Board. This has enraged the whole nation, but at the same time highlights another contentious issue of the definition of the word 'minor' itself. In India, more than 10 different legislations define 'Child' or 'Juvenile' in as many different ways. While labor laws consider only the ones who are below 14 years as children, armed forces take this age as 16 years for enlistment. Indian Penal Code on the other hand under section 83 considers anyone above 12 years as fit for taking criminal responsibility, Prohibition of Child Marriage Act even mentions different ages at which one becomes an adult depending upon sex (18 & 21 for females and males) and to cap it all there is no defined age anywhere in law for sexual consent!!! This is not peculiar of definition of 'minor' alone. Our country has zillion of overlapping and contradictory archaic laws which have complicated the justice delivery mechanism. Simplifying such a web of laws is also one of the recommendations of Justice Verma Committee and the various law commissions in past as well.
Friday, January 25, 2013
गणतंत्र दिवस or Republic Day signifies the day we declared our nation as the one which is ruled by its people. After adoption and enactment of constitution on 26th November 1949, India was declared a republic and constitution was put into full force on this day in 1950. A 'Republic' is different from a 'Monarchy' (as in UK) or other form of polity as head of state is directly or indirectly elected by people themselves. Will of people is supreme in a republic. Today, however, will of people has been marginalized and a few power-mongers are calling the shots in every sphere of socio-political life. Oligarchy is becoming the de-facto governing system. Time is ripe for reclaiming the republic character once again. Jai Hind!!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Last year a Mumbai based businessman purchased a few memorabilia of Gandhiji from an auction in UK. A few days back the items arrived in India (which also include Gandhiji's blood stained grass and soil). But the irony is that these items were declared taxable by government even after the businessman declared that they are only for public purpose. The items were later handed over to social activist Anna Hazare and will be displayed all over the country in tours to promote Gandhian Philosphy. This also cannot deter taxman and Rs 20 Lakh worth of duty had to be paid before the belongings of Gandhiji could be showcased in his own country !!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Sangam or the confluence of the three rivers - Ganga, Yamuna and the now extinct Saraswati - is one of the most sacred places of Hindus where Maha-kumbh mela is organised after every 12 years. Today, these rivers need to be protected from a different demon altogether - the demon of pollution. PM on inception of the mela declared that polluters will be stringently punished. However, it is ironical that he himself chairs the supreme authority NGRBA (National Ganga River Basin Authority) that is responsible for keeping the holy river clean and he has convened its meet only three times since it was formed in 2009 when Ganga was also declared as 'National River'. Similarly, earlier Ganga Action Plans, precursor to NGRBA, and Yamuna Action Plan had also failed to impress despite draining thousands of crores literally. Pollution is a threat to not only the fauna of rivers, but also to the health of pilgrims.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Though ceasefire has been declared by both sides on Kashmir border, Pakistan has violated the sanctity of agreement more than 100 times in past one year alone. Its acts reached to their nadir when its soldiers intruded into Indian territory and brutally murdered two brave soldiers of Mother India and one of them was beheaded by Pak soldiers. India had adopted a softer stance since past couple of years even in wake of Mumbai attacks and repeated cross-border firings. This incident has shocked and angered the whole nation and this is the time for government to have a re-look at its Pak-policy and act as one retired Lt General quoted 'reply to Pakistan in its own currency which it better understands'.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Bapu Gandhi once famously said that if you empower a man... you empower a single person, but if you empower a woman... you empower the whole family. Another self-styled Kalyugi 'Bapu' from Gandhiji's state claimed that the gang rape victim could have survived if she had fallen into feet of the beasts who raped and murdered her and it was her fault that she didn't call them 'brother'. Thus he implied that women still need to be on mercy of their male 'Bhai' and none other than girls are to be blamed if they commit such mistakes of not calling the rapist as 'Bhai'. What if his solution didn't work?... Will he next suggest that girls should go a step further and call all males as 'Bapu'?!!
Sunday, January 6, 2013
BCCI or B$$I
After successive failures in tests as well as one-days, a veteran cricketer commented that Indian Cricket Team looks jaded. Another commented IPL has ruined Indian cricket. When Olympic games were started, professional players were barred from participation to conserve the sanctity of the games and the spirit of sportsmanship. A century later, Indian cricket seems to be suffering from much more than mere excess commercialization of the sport. Greed of BCCI is taking a toll on performance of team as well as on morale of team members and Team India is seen as merely a money-spinning machine by BCCI. BCCI should see to it that its golden goose remains healthy if it want the goose to lay bigger eggs!!
Call it a mere coincidence or bad luck of Dhoni & Co. that India lost all its initial matches with Pakistan after Sachin retired. One expert even commented that 'For 20 years Sachin stood between defeat and team India'. At the same time media is also showing smiling pics of Sachin while he is holidaying in Masuri :P
Thursday, January 3, 2013
DGCA finally revoked the license of Kingfisher Airlines. The Indian Richard Barnson after much haggling with bankers and the aviation body found himself in a tight spot and his flamboyant carrier grounded in wake of mounting debt, airport dues, salaries of employees and what not. The tycoon who once remained in news for his extravagant lifestyle and company of thinly clad chicks is now living a low profile. Another aspect of the whole story is that while it is very convenient in this country to default a few thousand crores on the name of entrepreneurship and still roam freely around with head raised high, a poor man on the other hand is denied a loan of even a few thousand bucks and is put behind bars if he defaults this measly amount due to some genuine reason.
Liquor baron must be thanking his other 'Kingfisher' for standing by him in this tough time!!
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